SEBÖK Ferenc








Selection of Midem 2001 

With a Cd edited by the Belgian artistic promotion-Sabam. Winner production :

Fantaisie Opus 13 n°18 in C moll for piano.



International prize at the Song Expo contest 2001

For classical music composition (Benelux international

song & culture festival, Netherland)


Obtained a double medal for the following works :

6 suites hongroises Opus 50 for violins  and Sonate opus 10 for piano



International prize at the Song Expo Contest 2002

In Netherland with a medal for :

  « Suites duos for violins Opus 4,5,6,7,8,20 »


and a medal for the best composition by country

(he was representing Belgium).



International prize at the Song Expo contest 2003


Double medal for the following pieces :


Sonata Op.3/1 and 2 for piano

Opus 21 and 22 for strings.



Other distinction :


He composed the Imposed score opus 67  for violin and piano (A category, Academy)

for the International Violin Contest Henri Koch 2004.